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Monday, January 23, 2023

Birds in the Snow (from the back door)


After yesterday's Chiricahua adventure that included hours of cold, wet feet, and this morning's hour-long walk in snow and cold wind, I had no desire to bundle up to try for good photographs of birds at the feeders, but it was interesting to see that gusting snow did not keep a gang of hungry house finches from collecting. I ventured no farther than the back door, standing there in my slippers, the door open just long enough for a click!

Later, as the wind was abating, the snowstorm winding down, I opened the back door again and aimed at the feeders. Wasn't this cardinal the clever fellow, though? Posing against the white background!


  1. Is snow unusual? The cardinal is beautiful!!

  2. Occasional snow in winter is not unusual at this elevation, Dawn. It's an unusual year when there is NO winter snow -- and not good, either, as snowmelt can be as important as rain for the desert.

  3. Great shot, Pamela. I was surprised at there being snow too.

  4. It is having NO snow in winter that is strange. The surprise for Michigan people is the combination of snow and sun.
